Katerina Triantafyllou, High School Senior, Co-Founder and Co-Leader of the Youth Mentoring Forum on Civic Innovation

Multilingualism | STEM | Media Journalism | Writing | Music | Mentoring and Leadership | Community Service | Law and Ethics | Innovation, Equity and Inclusion

My name is Katerina Triantafyllou, and I am a senior at the Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. I am passionate about languages, STEM, media journalism, writing and music. I have played the piano for 14 years, and the violin for 8 years. I am committed to social justice and I care about social innovation where language, sciences, arts, and technology intersect. As a Founder and Co-Leader of the Youth Mentoring Forum on Civic Innovation, I aspire to empower youth by amplifying their voices. 

Valentino Dardas, High School Senior, Co-Founder and Co-Leader of the Youth Mentoring Forum on Civic Innovation

Architecture | Engineering | STEM | Creative Writing | Music | Mentoring and Leadership | Gardening | Outdoor Activities

My name is Valentino Dardas, and I’m a senior at Saint John’s High School. I have a passion for architecture and design, and I am currently considering majoring in architecture and engineering. I have played the piano for 11 years and I am the pianist for the Worcester Youth Symphony Orchestra. In my free time I like to be outside or otherwise active - whether it be rock climbing, gardening, kayaking, biking, or hiking. As Co-Founder and Co-Leader of the Youth Mentoring Forum on Civic Innovation, I seek to inspire others to find their own study and career passions by helping lead discussions on STEM fields and their applications.

Jacqueline Goh,  Co-Leader of the Youth Mentoring Forum on Civic Innovation

STEM | Molecular and Cellular Biology | Veterinary Medicine | Cancer Biology | Stem Cells | Culinary Arts | History

My name is Jacqueline Goh, and I am a junior at Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. I am deeply passionate about exploring any areas of STEM, specifically in the fields of biotechnology and cancer biology. For fun, I like to bake all kinds of cakes and desserts, and enjoy going on runs along the Charles River. Through the Youth Mentoring Forum on Civic Innovation, I hope to guide other peers to find where their passions and interests lie and serve as a catalyst for their successes in the future.

Tiffany Goh, Co-Leader of the Youth Mentoring Forum on Civic Innovation

STEM | Computer Science | Violin | Swimming

My name is Tiffany Goh, a current junior at Cambridge Rindge & Latin School in Massachusetts, who moved to the States about two years ago from Malaysia. During my free time, I like to swim and I also like playing the violin in the orchestra. I'm motivated to research as I have always been a curious individual and I believe that the process of discovery is an exhilarating journey that leads to endless possibilities and breakthroughs. By being a part of the Youth Mentoring Forum on Civic Innovation, I aim to make a positive impact on my own community.

If you are interested in joining the Youth Mentoring Forum on Civic Innovation, please complete this form https://citizentales.org/join or email us at citizentalescommons@gmail.com