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Citizen TALES Commons!

A niche of creative scholarship, co-creation and an open communication platform revolving around issues of citizenship in the service of the public good. Employing human-centered design, like a Greek chorus, Citizen TALES Commons amplifies our collective voice through podcasting, while empowering each individual member’s voice.

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Citizen TALES Commons* is a Cambridge-based, transnational civic art and media nonprofit organization that explores dimensions of citizenship and belonging through a praxis of co-creation, cross-cultural collaboration, compassionate curiosity, and creative inquiry.

Inventive and playfully ever evolving, our open collective of scholars and artists designs life-affirming models of existence that embrace social justice, empathy, and the art of active listening; fosters mentorship and ecological relationality; cultivates healthy and equitable futures; and celebrates the magic of life.

Across a wide array of initiatives, Citizen TALES Commons centers innovative pedagogies, epistemic plurality, diverse and inclusive research methods, and partnerships with individuals and organizations to share resources, create meaningful experiences, and generate transdisciplinary research and artistic scholarship.

Our collective imagines ourselves as an ouroboros-like Greek chorus nurturing change in an unjust global world; we amplify our voice/s through cross-pollination of ideas and validation of lived experience. Citizen TALES Commons hosts 150 members across thirty countries and partners with many cultural organizations. The collective has featured work in gallery shows, presented at numerous major conferences, published multiple academic journals and publications, especially translations, curated multimedia performances, and hosted lecture series, workshops, and other educational events.

*Regarding the name: "Citizen" refers to Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: An American Lyric, as the collective was born from a group of people who first met while translating Citizen into their native languages for an initiative run by The American Repertory Theater and Emerson College. "TALES" is an acronym for Translators, Artists, Ludics Learners, Explorers/Educators, and Storytellers. "Commons" is our commitment to open, public scholarship.