“Citizen Tales Commons: Imperceptibly off Walls
We are thrilled to announce that our abstract, “Citizen Tales Commons: Imperceptibly off Walls†has been accepted by “the 51st NeMLA, Annual Convention, “Shaping and Sharing Identities: Spaces, Places, Languages, and Cultures" that will be held at Boston University in March 2020!!!
(http://www.buffalo.edu/nemla/convention.html, accessed on 8.18.2019)
Our session “will examine the ‘citizen architect’ framework both through the specific definition from the 2018 American Institute of Architects guidebook and Walter Benjamin’s Arcades project to explore how identities are constructed and shaped by space, language, memory, and trauma…â€
(https://www.cfplist.com/nemla/Home/S/18239, accessed on 8.18.2019)
Thanks to our seminar chairs: Dr. Vassiliki Rapti, https://scholar.harvard.edu/vrapti/home; and Dr. Zenovia Toloudi; https://faculty-directory.dartmouth.edu/zenovia-toloudi!!!!
Please join us to discuss "recent citizenship issues with an emphasis on identity, space, place, language and culture"!!!