Anastasia Paraskevoulakou
MA in Comparative Literature
Poetry |Translation | English & Comparative Literature | Innovative Pedagogies
Anastasia Paraskevoulakou was born in 1965 in Astros, Arcadia, Greece. She holds a BA in English and an MA in Comparative Literature at the State University of New York at Binghamton, U.S.A. She works as a teacher in public education in Athens. She has published the following works: Orpheus’s Travels (poems) Delphini editions, 1995, Steve Oliver, Recording Specialist (short stories) Mandragoras ed. 2005, Esotera (poems) Solucio ed. 2014, White Canvas (poems) Solucio ed. 2017. She is excited to be part of the research team of Citizen TALES Commons.
MA in Comparative Literature
Poetry |Translation | English & Comparative Literature | Innovative Pedagogies
Anastasia Paraskevoulakou was born in 1965 in Astros, Arcadia, Greece. She holds a BA in English and an MA in Comparative Literature at the State University of New York at Binghamton, U.S.A. She works as a teacher in public education in Athens. She has published the following works: Orpheus’s Travels (poems) Delphini editions, 1995, Steve Oliver, Recording Specialist (short stories) Mandragoras ed. 2005, Esotera (poems) Solucio ed. 2014, White Canvas (poems) Solucio ed. 2017. She is excited to be part of the research team of Citizen TALES Commons.